Make the Anti-Racist Pledge
The City of York is the North’s first Anti-Racist and Inclusive City
By making this Anti-Racist Pledge, you and your organisation/institution are helping to send a clear and consistent message that racism and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated in the City of York.
By working together with stakeholders, places of work, agencies, and other organisations – we can effect a positive change.
It is our collective responsibility to set a precedent for the future of the city and for the next generation.
When you sign this pledge you are committing to close inequality gaps by reviewing existing policies and practices to make sure they are not creating structural barriers; advancing opportunities and ensuring the experience of racism within structures and institutions are eradicated.
Organisations and institutions that sign up to the Pledge commit to:
Not tolerating racist behaviour and calling out racism.
Training employees on what being anti-racist means.
Address racial inequality and improve opportunity and access to services and employment, such as reserved apprenticeship opportunities for BAME people.
In addition, organisations and institutions will work towards:
Educating ourselves and others about the history and impact of racism and discrimination in our society, and actively work to identify and challenge racist attitudes and behaviours.
Create and maintain safe and inclusive spaces for all members of our community, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or ability.
Support and amplify the voices of marginalised communities and work to ensure that their needs and concerns are heard and addressed.
The Commitment
Organisations who make the pledge commit to be an anti-racist organisation and will:
Where possible collate and analyse staff and board level data to understand any barriers facing BAME employees.
Pro-actively examine any ethnic pay gap data or ethnic profile in senior leadership.
Increase representation of BAME employees at senior and leadership levels, and set targets to deliver real change and progress.
Raise awareness of this Pledge internally and externally to teams, and service users.
Create and maintain safe and inclusive spaces for all members of our community, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or ability.
The Pledge
By signing this pledge on behalf of my organisation, I pledge that we will address any issues identified, monitor our progress, and agree to be held accountable for the delivery of our actions.
By making the pledge we may occasionally get in touch. We will also make contact on relevant news and events from Inclusive Equal Rights UK. If you’d like to change this at a later date, all you have to do is get in touch on our Contact Page.
View our Privacy Policy here.
Join the institutions and organisations below and make the anti-racist pledge. Together, we can dismantle racism.
- York St John University
- West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce
- York & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce
- Serendipity Counselling York
- Assetiam Business Support Services
- Secker Taylor Associates Limited
- City of York Council
-York Racial Equality Network
- Drax Group Plc